Wednesday 3 October 2012

What I am about ....

I have been thinking for a while about designing my own tarot set which has real meaning for me and hopefully will be easy for others to relate to also. I currently draw people animal guides and pass on the messages to people and this is something I thoroughly enjoy. I have been doing this via the psychic Gail Cuffe's facebook page and this has been exciting and hopefully something which can continue alongside.

I have been practising reading the tarot for a while and have still much to learn but this continuation of learning I hope will help me find the focus and ways to make tarot simple through the designs. I am currently debating whether to begin, not with a tarot but with an oracle deck which incorporates the animal guides which have come forward I do feel that they would love to be shared with others I will post some of the guides which have come forward for others and the designs I hope with the oracles to bring more of the background into the card as to kick off peoples intuition even further. I have found with some of the decks I have there is only the animal on the card and nothing else to allow your intuition some more room to explore and I think this maybe particularly useful for those beginning on their journey.

I have still yet to decide on the number of cards that this deck will incorporate and to think of key words for each one... I think I will let the animals come through first and go for there and aim for 40 - 50 cards for a first project.

I will also pick a card of the day to post both from a tarot deck and an oracle deck so that I can explore and perhaps hear other peoples views on these cards which are pulled. Again I am on a journey to explore my intuition and find other ways to bring forward this...

As a sneaky peek into my thoughts the tarot I am thinking of designing will be surrounding the circus and the fairground.... I am only have a few cards in mind so far being that of the major arcana but once have some first attempts will be posting these online too.

So thats what I plan to do and follow through this blog so please feel free to join in and share... :)

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