Friday 12 October 2012

Beginnings of a Tarot...High Priestess

I have been toying with so many ideas I thought I should really begin to get the basics onto paper... This is the beginnings of my high priestess.. and I am search of a female with nice hands and nails to have a picture of their hands in this position holding a tennis ball - apple would be great so please message me if you are able to do this for me.. 

My thoughts of this card... 

The High Priestess

To me she invokes feelings of a spiritual nature and that connection to the spiritual world. I show this visually that a crystal ball is a great tool for invoke that feeling you should use your intuition to trust what you see and feel. ( The ball and fortune teller is crucial to my theme also) I think it is also significant that the crystal ball is laying in the palm of her hands showing that the situation is in your hands and to trust yourself. 
Inside the ball I have drawn an eye and surrounded in purple.. this is to represent the Ajna chakra also know as the third eye. It is to impress that  you should be guided by this ... On a practical level to me it shouts eye opener and having clear vision and looking at tasks from all angles even what is not instantly obvious. 
The fortune teller also brings forth these feelings of being creative as we know this fortune tellers in the stereo typical sense were great show women ( this will become more relevant as more cards pop up in relation to my theme). Fully throwing themselves into the show and getting carried away perhaps yet another message we can take from the High Priestess. To let go of inhibitions and fully submerge ourselves in to tasks ahead. 

The candles are pink and white.. To me these are burning reflecting an open heart chakra that you are willing to let people in and open to new ideas.. The white a purity almost verging on naivety again something that fits with visitors to the fortune tellers that are in my deck people believed them would have been considered naive. The High priestess is sometimes known as the card of innocence perhaps again a clocked message to open your eyes take off the rose tinted spectacles and see what is really there. A card to promote awareness. 

I sure I will have more to add as this card develops but here it is as it stands at the moment. 

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