Oracle Design Ideas

So last night I was thinking what would be my first card for my animal oracle. I have decided to go for the swan


This is a rough sketch I have done and when scanning you can't quite see all the lines visible in the original . My original thought for this card would be Commitment as the key word as swans mate for life and fiercely protective of their mates and their young but this didn't 'feel' right and I have now decided that for me the swan is all about graceful growth .

The swan begins life as the 'ugly duckling' although personally I think they are wonderful and from something so awkward can become something so beautiful and filled with many new skills and strengths.

I think that with the swan brings a message here that in life you have to keep going. If put in the time you will get marvellous results that you will be pleased with.  Sometimes I think you need to have a brave face whilst dealing with what life throws at you and this is something the swan amplifies. They always look so graceful on the water, still but if you look beneath the surface there is a lot going on there feet are swishing madly away. This is so true for a lot of us in life... we don't always have any idea what is going on behind closed doors.

I am sure will have much more to add possibly a slight change of direction but for now this is what I am going to go with.

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