Saturday 24 November 2012

Messages from the Flamingo

I mentioned before about sharing some of the guides that have come through now and in the past so going to add them as they come along and then index them all on a page

One of my favourites who came through at the beginning of my journey and was so beautiful was the Flamingo. My keywords for this bird would be intergration, balance and grounding.

He was completely stunning. This particular bird has a hugely healing presence if he appears in your life. The colour was what struck me at first this gentle pale rose pink instantly brought forward images of the heart and bringing balance in the heart chakra.

The Flamingo can help bring balance by bringing you love and joy into your life. A guide I found a huge help in injecting love and romance into a relationship and one that has guided others into finding love with others as this bird does not like to be alone and does not want you to feel alone either.

Can you see the glint in his eye... he could be considered a flirt and his energy can help you reach out to others and relax you in times that you may otherwise have felt a bit more reserved. I find he often appears when people are feeling a little introverted to try and help you release some of your emotions. The flamingo uses its large colonies to feel protected and helps to steer you in this direction too.

Returning back to the balance when I saw the flamingo he was on one leg.. really hitting home how important balance is to have in life without it he would topple over. It also brings this feeling of being grounded.

When this guide appeared they were standing next to the weeping willow which for me was a clear message they were there to help move away from some emotional sorry and strongly linked to a relationship breakdown. They wanted to encourage this person to let out their emotions and meet new people. They wanted them to know that they were not alone..

Sunday 11 November 2012

Angel Numbers

I have been getting reoccuring numbers all the time 404 and also 777 and found this wonderful blog which details all the messages

She has listed numerous combinations and single numbers how to read the numbers.. It was such a blessing to receive these messages as both the combinations affirm to me that I am on the right track and the right path and the angels seem to recognise this which for me is amazing. I have been searching a long while about the direction I need to go.

So please if you see numbers popping up again and again go and have a look here as to what the angels are trying to tell you. It is also useful to check time and date you were born and the significance of these numbers.

Friday 9 November 2012

I haven't been on as much as like but have been busy brushing up on reading and trying to connect with my new guide whom I hope will help me take my first baby steps into the realms of mediumship whilst still developing my tarot deck... I just feeling so far that I dont like any of my ideas so still waiting for some inspiration to come to me.. I do like the animals still and did this spirit guide portrait whom would make a lovely addition with the swan to an oracle I think...

look into his eyes he has so much to say... the energy really oozes out of this picture... As this was not intended as an oracle picture I did not really attend to the background but in it would be the distant herd in one corner and the sneaking lion as I feel a real sense of community with this card and inner strength that this creature would dare to take on the lion..